More Holiday Villa Scams in Spain and the South of France.

Unfortunately the
Phishing scams are still happening especially on the big rental sites. This is a huge problem for clients and for
owners of holiday villas.
This month South
France Villas received 2 phone calls from people that had been scammed by using
one of the large advertising sites, distraught as they had lost all their
monies and had nowhere to go.
One family had lost 10.000 Euro and the other
6000 Euro, both had transferred money to a Spanish bank account. One family had
contacted the advertising company to check that the owner was legit as he was
concerned about paying the large payment and they replied and said yes all was
ok, so he paid his monies. These websites do say:
We make no warranties or representations as
to the accuracy, completeness, legality, performance or suitability of the
adverts. We accept no liability arising from reliance upon this information
made by any user of the site. You should conduct your own research and
familiarise yourself with our terms and conditions.

An owner also
contacted us as her advert on one of these sites had been amended from a one
bedroom to a four bedroom apartment, and her account had been hacked.
If you are looking
to book a villa holiday in the South of France or anywhere else then please do take extra care and ensure that you make
as many checks as possible. Agencies will completely understand and be happy to
put you at ease.
South France Villas
have been established for over 15 years and we pride ourselves on knowing all
our houses and are committed to customer satisfaction, our team is always happy
to go that extra mile for you. If you have a villa to rent in the South of
France or if you are looking to rent one then please do not hesitate to contact